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“You protect only what you love, you love only what you know, you know only what you’re thought.”
– Guðmundur Páll Ólafsson

This all started as a student project during our masters in Design for planet at Design School Kolding (DSKD) in 2022. The subject was Material Driven Design, materials from the sea. We landed on fish waste and decided to tinker with the material to see what it could teach us. During the course we also visited a fish company in Denmark called Fonfisk working with repackaging fish. We were shocked by how little transparency was in this industry and how many pitstops the fish takes from it is caught until it reaches the stores. Therefore we understood that in order to call our products sustainable, we had to make sure our suppliers were so too. We cannot change the entire fishing industry over night. What we can do is help our customers make more informed decisions by providing them with information, and in that way force the industry to change. As Studio Nienke Hoogvliet so nicely describes it in the book Fish Leather: 

"As I see it, consumers play an important part in this shift. I see the money we spend as a hidden vote – as tacit support – for the industry we spend it on. Basically, every penny spent is an investment because it contributes to the profit of the company. [...] If everyone questions the industry and stands up for their own preference in sustainable food, each of us will cover some parts of how seafood is produced.”



Buisiness model

As of right now we have no physical stores, only online, and we only ship within Denmark. This is done very consciously as we believe in the importance of local production. All our products are made of wood and fish locally sourced in Denmark. 


The idea is that people can buy our concept and name around the world as long as they follow our values;

Locally, Transparancy, Naturally, eathically and that you can always do better.

Our Team.

This website and fictional company was created as a part of a course called Material narratives at Design School Kolding in 2022. We were a group of four Master students studying Design for Planet. The project was about fish waste, and how we can change the narrative around it to create socially acceptable products.

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